Federal Non-Profit Tax ID 16-1643395

The South Jersey Jazz is a non-profit organization promoting amateur basketball for youth in the greater South Jersey Area. The Jazz is a registered Amateur Athletic Union Middle Atlantic Region Basketball Club. The South Jersey Jazz will participate in local and regional tournaments in the Tri-State area and selected National tournaments for which the teams qualify.

This year the club will have to raise funds to cover facility rentals, league and tournament entry fees, official costs and uniforms for over 180 boys and girls. Tax free donations from businesses like yours are one way in which we raise money to reach our goals. The club is a 501-C3 non-profit NJ Corporation that has a non-profit tax ID number allowing you to use your donation as a tax deduction. The Jazz participate in fund raisers such as, but not limited to cancer shoot-a-thons, car washes, selling pizzas, pretzels, hoagies, candy and cookie dough. Still without the support of local community businesses we would be unable to meet the financial requirements to provide the Jazz’s youth with the quality basketball program desired.

The South Jersey Jazz would like to thank you for your support. Your Contributions will help these student athletes have a successful basketball season.

Your gift can remain anonymous if you wish – please remember to designate your gift as an anonymous donation. If you prefer to advertise, a donation will allow us to place your company’s name on our professionally designed and managed website, which receives an average of 10,000 unique hits per month.